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Reliable. Flange-Bodied. Heavy Duty.

HS4A Solenoid Valves

These advanced design, strong bodied, precision manufactured solenoid valves control the on-off flow of refrigerant. They are superior in their ability to overcome dirt and sticky oil during opening and closing, and operate smoothly even in an oil-free “dry” system.

When electrically energized, the upstream pressure is ported through the pilot solenoid to the top of the piston to push it downward and open the main valve seat wide; when de-energized, pressure is no longer ported to the top of the piston and a spring closes the main valve seat to stop flow in the arrow direction on the valve body.

These reliable, flanged bodied valves are ideal for use as standard, stock refrigerant solenoid valves.

While primarily for ammonia, these valves are also suitable for R22, R134a, CO2 and other approved refrigerants.


These valves combine modern design and new age materials with advanced manufacturing techniques and intense quality control to offer a significantly superior and reliable product. Their ductile iron bodies are stronger and more rugged than common cast iron, including semi-steel (class B iron) valves.

They are more dirt resistant than full skirted piston designed valves and use a single, standard, power saving, low wattage coil that can be used on all valve sizes. All valves incorporate reliable teflon seating and stainless steel spring closing. Non-asbestos gaskets are standard. Main seats are stainless steel on 1½” and larger valves. All valves use a spring activated,
teflon, dirt-wiping piston seal. Manual opening stems are located on top of valves, up and away from dirt and rust particles to extend stem seal life.

This also facilitates easier insulating of valves. Each valve is individually packaged or sealed for valve interior cleanliness and ease of storage until ready for use. All valve boxes are clearly marked with catalog numbers
and description.